February Reading Update

 We are now at the end of the second month of the year 2021, which has been another month spent in lockdown. This month has once again gone quite fast and I cannot quite believe we are at the end of the month already. As well as being at the end of the month, there has been an ambition that we will soon be out of lockdown again with schools returned, vaccines being carried out, GCSE and A-Level exams cancelled and the aim to get every adult in the United Kingdom vaccinated by the end of July. This also offers hope for the summer holidays and the various events that go on, one of my favourites of which is Cropredy Music Festival.

Last month, on top of my reading challenge I did a run streak and so this month as well as the reading challenge I have also been doing the plank almost daily which has been good. As well as the plank challenge, I have also tried to go out on lots of runs which has been good and really enjoyable especially now we are entering spring with the longer days and shorter nights on the way!

This month, I have continued trying to read on a regular basis and this included two print books as well as some Kindle books which actually made a change. According to GoodReads, at the time of writing, I have completed 6 books out of the 20 I want to read and I am 3 books ahead and 30% of my goal which is great. I really do love being able to use such a fantastic website like GoodReads to track these statistics and I think I might need to up my goal sometime very soon so it does not become too easy to complete the goal and so I do not complete the goal too early.

I have finished a further three books this month which is the same as last month and they have all been interesting, some less than others though. The three books I have read this month are Grand Openings Can be MurderFrom a Buick 8 and Business Without the Bullsh*t which have all been a pleasure to read in their own separate ways. The book I am currently reading is 'The Girl who escaped Aushwitz' which I have mentioned in previous posts this month and is a book I am so far really enjoying and look forward to writing a review for very soon.

This month has also seen me start joining in with the weekly Top 5 Wednesday challenge which has been so much fun and has helped my blog grow which I am very thankful for. If you have not seen my Top 5 Wednesday posts yet please do take a look and share them around. Because you my viewers have enjoyed the T5W posts so much, it is my plan to continue participating next month also. This month's prompts have included the Home Sweet Home post, The Valentines post, The Can you please repeat that post and then the keep telling me not to post. All of these posts have been much fun.

That is my month at a glance and a very good month it has been also. How has your month been? Are you still working towards your 2021 reading goal/resolution. Please do let me know in the comments section down below as I would love to hear from you. I do not entirely know what my March will consist of but I am sure it will involve loads more blog posts to please keep an eye open, follow Book Portal on Twitter, take a look around my blog and please do share the posts to get the word out there and grow the Book Portal community. 

2021 Reading Challenge

2021 Reading Challenge
Charlie has read 6 books toward his goal of 20 books.
