Dual Timelines

Witness 8 by Steve Cavanagh

Witness 8 by Steve Cavanagh follows Eddie Flynn and his team on their investigations regarding their current client, John Jackson. Mr Jackson, a wealthy surgeon living in one of the best areas in New York, is wrongly framed for the murder of one of his neighbours and has his life falling apart as Johnson's neighbours try and get rid of the family. Little do they know that the person framing John is someone John and his family trust very much, someone who is trying to hide a secret of their own. Eddie and his team are keen to get to the bottom of who the killer is and get John acquitted of murder. But with several professional hitmen after Eddie, will they be able to get him off for murder and discover the truth?

This was an incredibly gripping book, which I really enjoyed; this was helped by the varying chapter lengths. Some of the chapters were much longer, allowing the plot to slow down, whereas other chapters were very short, which built up the book's pace and the suspense and literally had me on the edge of my seat and kept me awake at night. The plot was also very well-thought-out, with some very likeable characters, which increased the reader's interest. There were also various points in this book where the readers were left not knowing what was going to happen, somewhat of a cliffhanger. The book was so well written that it would not be possible, or at least extremely hard, to guess which direction the author went in, which further made me enjoy this book as it was much harder to guess the plot.

There is not much I can say I disliked about this book. It may have been nice not only for more description of the legal proceedings but also because Cavanagh could potentially introduce some more thrillers in the courtroom itself. However, this is just a suggestion, and I was inevitably happy with the descriptions of the legal case in the courtroom with some very good cross-examination. 

Therefore, I rate this book 3 stars, making it a good book that I thoroughly enjoyed. I really struggled to put this book down because of how gripping it was, making it an excellent thriller, and I very much look forward to reading the next book in the series. I would definitely recommend this book, particularly if you like murder mysteries, legal fiction or even if you are a young adult. I must thank both NetGalley and Headline for an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this book in return for an honest book review.
