Dual Timelines

Series Ending Soon

 Hello, and welcome to this week's Top 5 Wednesday post! I can't believe we are on Wednesday already; the weeks seem to fly by! So I am sure we all have a series which we love. Many of my favourites have been featured in many of these Top 5 Wednesday posts because I enjoy some of them so much. This week's prompt is about book series which are coming to an end, whether we are sad that they are coming to an end because we have enjoyed them so much or happy because there is a happy ending in sight. As I have not yet read many series, I will also be including series that have already ended. Anyway, without any further introduction, let's get straight into this week's Top 5 Wednesday post.

1. Strike Series by Robert Galbraith

I think this is potentially my favourite series so far in my reading career. It is not easy to judge, as there are so many excellent series on this list alone, but I love following Strike and Robin's adventures. This series seems to be full of action, romance, thriller, and so on, and it really pulls me in, making me not want to stop reading but also not wanting the book to end. I do not know when this series is going to end; the latest book in the series, I believe, was published in September 2024, so hopefully, this will not be the last, but I will probably have to wait a year or two before any further instalments are published. It is safe to say that when I find out this series has come to an end, it will be a very sad day for me!

2. Bean to Bar Mystery Series by Amber Royer

If this cannot be my favourite series, it must be my second favourite as the characters are all so likeable, as is the place where the story is set, Galveston Island. I have spoken in previous Top 5 Wednesday posts about how I would love to work with Felicity in her chocolate shop, how I would love to be her friend, taste test all the cooking by her friends and family, and even just go on holiday to Galveston island! I do hope, however, that if I ever did go, I would not get caught up in any murders or other such mysteries. But I think this series is almost coming to an end, which is extremely upsetting. This is because when I was thinking about books for this post, I realised that Royer has been publishing a book a year for the last few years, but there hasn't been one published this year yet. I do know that we are only halfway through this year, and I am delighted to have found out only very recently that it appears that there will be another book in this series, which I believe will be published in 2025. It is safe to say that I am very excited to join Felicity again and find out whether she chose Logan or Arlo. If you have read this series, are you Team Logan or Team Arlo? Let me know in the comments!

3. Kit & Tully Series by Mocha Von Bee

This series is probably one of the latest series to end, having ended last year in 2023 after around seven books had been published. This was a really good romance series set in Ireland before the age of technology and mobile phones. This made it particularly good for young adults and the younger generation to just be exposed to what life was like before technology and how you could not rely on social media or dating apps to contact friends or enter a romantic relationship. This series started when the main characters were young adults and ended after they married each other and had children, but if I remember correctly, it ended in a way where there could easily have been more books written. I remain hopeful that maybe a new Kit & Tully series may come into being, but I think it is safe to say that this first series has come to an end.

4. The Conspiracy by Laurence O'Bryan

This was one of the first series I ever read during the lockdowns of the Coronavirus pandemic, and it was about the Coronavirus pandemic and a doctor who I believe created a vaccine for COVID-19, but then either the Russians or the Chinese kidnapped his wife. This really good thriller had me on the edge of my seat and made Lockdown much more entertaining. It was not that Lockdown was particularly boring or anything, but I really enjoyed it! It was also very good how the author wrote about something current and very relevant and published the books during the pandemic when they were most relevant. However, after three books, it appears that this series has sadly come to an end.

5. The Secret Barrister

I must confess that the final 'series' on this list is not really a series at all, in terms of fictional books which continue to tell a story across a number of different books. It may, however, be seen as a series in the sense that it is one individual's views on a wider topic, that being the law or, more specifically, the Criminal Justice System. I love reading the Secret Barrister's books, and he has covered so much, from how our justice system is broken to fake laws and their journey to becoming a Barrister. I cannot think of much more they could write about, so could this be their writing career coming to an end? I imagine not, as I am sure they will find something else to write about in this area. That may be how to be a good Barrister or even start looking at civil law despite that not being the Secret Barristers' area of specialism.

That is all for this week's Top 5 Wednesday post, so as always, I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I have enjoyed writing it! Please also share in the comments series you have been reading, which is coming to an end soon. Also, please leave recommendations below regarding some really good series that I might like to read because I love good series! Do also explore this blog for a range of book reviews and more Top 5 Wednesday posts. I hope you all have a good week, and I look forward to next week's post!

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