Time Travel

The Conspiracy 3 by Laurence O'Bryan

 The Conspiracy three by Laurence O'Bryan is the third and final book in the Conspiracy series and is just as good as ever with a rather good ending. In this third book of the series, Rob is released from prison to go with Faith to Egypt to help out with the TOTALVAX inspections of the Cairo vaccine manufacturing laboratory. Rob is still however guilty of his crimes and is expected to still go to court at some point. We then see more adventures with Vladimir who continues stirring up trouble as well as a Chinese lady who has also been lying. On top of all this, Faith and Rob are nearly assassinated whilst in Egypt.

I once again like this book as I have with the rest of the series as the tension is always high and you are always wondering what will be happening next. As a result, this book just like the others in the series is extremely gripping and could easily keep you awake all night reading this book. The author always seems to avoid the obvious and the safe options which again adds excitement to the story and helps draw the reader into the book. It is nice to see the story in this book is followed on from what has happened in the previous books and also brought the story to an end with a rather great scene involving Vladimir who is clearly the main enemy of the series.

There are few things I dislike about this book which is good and I think it has helped how I read the first and second book before moving on to the third book. To start with, it is not very nice with the dramatic irony where some of the characters do not know what the reader and the other characters know and so therefore there is lots of lying which is not very nice or really fair on Rob. Furthermore, the ending was quite what I would have wanted as Rob still has not been told the truth which is not very good.

Altogether, I rate this book 4 stars as it was a truly good book that took me on an adventure from the comfort of my own home whilst still in lockdown. In this book, we have travelled to Egypt and America where we have been thrown into the action of the different government groups. There is a lot of tension throughout this book which is nice and makes it a pleasure for the reader to read. Finally, I would like to thank the author, Laurence O'Bryan, for providing me a free copy of this book and I am very thankful for this kindness.
