Happy Dante Day 2021

 Happy Dante Day Everyone! 

I may be a few days late as the official Dante Day is the 25th of March however it is better to celebrate it a bit late than not celebrate it at all. Also, I have been waiting for a long time to celebrate Dante Day as he is an epic poet and I had the enjoyment of reading the Divine Comedy last year and you will be able to find my review of the divine commedia here

Dante's divine comedy is split into three parts; Inferno, Purgatory and Heaven and it takes us on Dantes journey through the places of the afterlife. This epic poem is based on Dante's religious and personal views of the afterlife and he travels the afterlife with Virgil and his love Beatrice. I believe National Dante Day is to help Dante live on and get younger audiences reading Dante's poem. I strongly believe that people should still be reading the Divine Comedy especially if they have an interest in religion/the afterlife or are studying such topics.

Anyway, I wish everyone a (belated) happy Dante day and may the legend and his poems live on for a very long time to come. Also, some have interpreted Dante's epics to link in with the current Coronavirus pandemic and so why not read the Comedy now and share your interpretations of the text and how it may link to the present day!
Word Cloud: The Inferno Cantica 1
