Dual Timelines

The Secret Barrister- Welcome to the criminal court

 Chapter Summary

In the first chapter of The Secret Barrister: Stories of the law and how it is broken we again look at the case study of Mr Tuttle and all the roles included in the court. Mr Tuttle we learn is charged with actual bodily harm because of a dispute with his neighbour. The writer includes details and history about every role in the court including the Accused, The Judge, The Jury, The Witnesses, The CPS, The Solicitor and finally The Barrister.

In this chapter, we learn about when the law began in this country and the different systems and punishments throughout the history of the United Kingdom. We also, particularly in the part about the accused, learn about how different countries do their law including places like Saudi Arabia who practice Sharia Law. We get an insight into the role of everyone in the court and how they all make the courts run smoothly, or at least we like to think they are running smoothly.
